They said they couldn't get that girl, but what if they got her, and then wanted to dump her? We chatted to McFly about the art of breaking up... TOTP: Would you ever dump someone by text? Harry: Only if it was a short relationship.
Tom: Yeah, not in anything serious.
Harry: It would have to be...[considers this]...a week-long relationship. TOTP: What about by e-mail? Harry: Yeah, I suppose so. Tom: It's the same sort of thing, really. Harry: But you can explain in more detail. TOTP: And on the phone - do the same rules apply? Harry: No, I think on the phone, it's maybe a bit more acceptable. Tom: Yeah, the phone's more acceptable, like, TALKING. TOTP: Have you ever dumped anyone on behalf of someone else? Tom: When I was, like, twelve. Harry: [laughs] No, I haven't. TOTP: When was the last time you were dumped, and how did you take it? Tom: The last time I was dumped school. Yeah, and I went on holiday the next day. TOTP: That's a good way to get over it! And what's the lamest excuse you've ever heard for getting the boot? Harry: Oh, there's ALWAYS the lame excuses! [Giggles] Tom and Harry: "It's not you, it's me!" Harry: Well, if it's you, then go and sort your problems out, that's what I say. TOTP: Would you ever dump someone in the form of a song? Harry: No. Tom: No. They probably wouldn't understand anyway, would they? TOTP: Would you ever dump someone live on TV? Harry: Now that is really harsh. No. TOTP: What's the best remedy for being dumped? Tom: Masturbation. [Harry and Dougie crack up] TOTP: Nice. How about something printable? [All laugh, then start talking at the same time.] Harry: Eat ice-cream, apparently. Dougie: Explore your sexuality. Danny: [shouting over from the corner where he's having his hair seen to] Just put "yourself"! Harry: [continuing] That's apparently what girls say. Eat ice cream. Dougie: And that's how they get fat! Harry: And then they don't ever get boyfriends again! Tom: And then they commit suicide. Harry: And then everyone dies. TOTP: What's the worst way you've been dumped? Harry: Some girl started shooting at me. [Makes gunshot noises] Tom: Yeah, that was bad. Harry: [in a high-pitched voice] "Just get the f*** out!" TOTP: [stunned silence] Harry: Not really, that was a joke. TOTP: Actually, the next one's sort of related to that. Have you ever sustained an injury whilst dumping someone, or being dumped? Harry: No, I've never been injured. Dougie: Never been hit. Tom: Never been kissed. [laughs] TOTP: What is a good opener for 'The Talk'? Harry and Tom: "Sooooooooooo........!" Harry: "So, me and you...come and take a seat...come into my office!" Tom: "Come into my office!?" TOTP: And what have you done in the past to avoid 'The Talk'? Harry: Run away. First class ticket, one way ticket to... Dougie: [interrupting] Nebraska. Harry: the Bermuda Triangle Tom: Alaska. Dougie: [singing in a funny voice] "There is no water in Gibraltar..."
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